Happy October! Cooler weather and changing leaves create excitement for the new season and all the adventures that come with it. We hope you'll enjoy another month of fun ideas and activities you can enjoy with your family!
Download our October Calendar Here
01 Dress up with play silks
02 Go on a bike ride
03 Make homemade applesauce
04 Crayon leaf rubbing
05 Outdoor tea party
06 Explore fall spices & play dough
07 Decorate Halloween windows
08 Do a puzzle
09 Practice spinning tops
10 Create beeswax models
11 Rake the leaves
12 Learn about local Indigenous tribes.
13 Finger knitting

14 Bake cornbread
15 Make and paint salt dough leaves
16 Create an obstacle course
17 Do a bat nature study
18 Paint fall gourds
19 Make beeswax luminaries
20 Bake pumpkin muffins
21 Fall Nature scavenger hunt
22 Read books about fall
23 Make mini beeswax pumpkin candles
24 Build a castle with blocks
25 Create fall leaf crowns
26 Build a cozy fort
27 Mix nature potions
Photo courtesy of Jason Tyndall
28 Write a Halloween poem or song
29 Carve pumpkin lanterns
30 Paint your face like an animal
31 Dress up & celebrate Halloween
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