Father's Day is here and we're celebrating with a special tutorial that's great to give a paternal figure in your life - or to simply make with your children.
This craft requires you to scavenge for materials in nature. Matt Shelton of Waldorf Dads created this just for us and our Bella Luna Toys community.
Take it away, Matt!
Fatherhood has been, without question, the most rewarding experience of my life. As a father of two, it has opened a pathway that's allowed me to be a kid again.
The smiles and excitement when my daughter Emma discovers something new, or sees me coming home is irreplaceable. Being able to witness everything from their first steps to their first words is the journey of a lifetime.
Here's how to make these nature-inspired sail boats.
Hunt for Natural Materials
Keep your eyes peeled on your next nature walk. Gather long, sturdy branches and large leaves to create this sailboat. You’ll also need an organic string, like cotton, to secure your sticks and sail. Avoid using synthetic string that won’t biodegrade.
A Knot Tying Lesson
After cutting your branches to size, follow this step-by-step knot tying guide to fasten them together. You can use this knot for the entire project.

Start by creating a square frame, then lay the additional sticks on top to build a raft. Attach a vertical stick to make the mast and a second to frame your leaf sail.

Set Sail
Poke equally spaced holes along the edges of your leaf sail and lace the biodegradable string through them, wrapping around the sailboat frame between each hole. Once your vessel is sea-worthy, set sail at the local creek or pond. Attach a long string to pull your sailboat back to shore to enjoy again and again.
The scene reminds me of the poignant film Beau Geste.
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