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Felted Match Box Cover

Craft a Felted Match Box Cover for Candlemas

Today on the blog our sweet friend Laura, @cosy.waldorf.fam, teaches us a simple felt craft perfect for Candlemas. Rooted in Waldorf philosophy, this craft invites you to engage with natural materials and nurture your creativity. Craft your very own felted match box cover and celebrate the light.

Felted Match Box Cover

Gather Your Supplies:

These are the tools we used to create our Felted Match Box Cover for Candlemas:

  • Felt sheet
  • Wool roving
  • Needle felting mat
  • Needle felting needles
  • Match box
  • Scissors
  • Erasable pen (the kind that goes invisible with heat) or pencil
  • Optional: golden embroidery thread and needle

Create your Felted Match Box Cover for Candlemas:

Step 1:  

Cut the felt to fit the matchbox. 

Felted match box cover tutorial step 1.

Step 2: 

Use the erasable pen/pencil draw your desired design onto the felt. 

Felted match box cover tutorial step 2.

Step 3: 

Use tiny bits of sheep’s wool strands and lay the image you’ve just painted with the wool.

Felted match box cover tutorial step 3.

Step 4: 

Carefully, secure the sheep’s wool by softly (!!) poking it multiple times. Tip: the needle felting needle works like your finger. It pushes the felt into place. Be sure to poke the needle from various angles if you want to the wool to go in specific direction.

Felted match box cover tutorial step 4.

Step 5: 

Once you’ve poked multiple times and the sheep’s wool is secured onto the felt, remove the whole painting from your felting mat to prevent it from “felting/glueing” onto the mat. 

Felted match box cover tutorial step 5.

Step 6: 

Once you’re happy with your design, cut off the excess sheep’s wool in the back. Tip: by carefully “combing” the felt art with your needle felting needle, you can make the painting look more even. This removes the tiny holes you’ve created while needle felting.

Felted match box cover tutorial step 6.

Step 7: 

Optional: add some details with golden thread. 

Felted match box cover tutorial step 7.

Step 8: 

Secure the needle felted painting with some hot glue on the matchbox and enjoy!

Felted match box cover tutorial step 8.

Don't forget to follow Laura (@cosy.waldorf.fam)for even more Waldorf inspiration and crafts. We hope your winter is filled with engaging fun and heaps of family laughter and love, and a few crafternoons spent together. Share your play, crafts, reading, learning or anything magical with us on Instagram @bellalunatoys and use our hashtag #bellalunatoys for a chance to be featured on our feed or stories. Happy crafting!

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