Prepare your Materials
This project can be completed with materials most people might have lying around the house. We used felt sheets but any scrap material could work. Adjust your needle and thread as needed depending on the material you use.
- Felt sheets or scrap material
- Wooden beads of various sizes and colors
- Tapestry needle
- Embroidery floss in coordinating colors
- Pipe cleaners
- Wool roving or a few cotton balls
- Scissors
- Pencil and marker
- Hot glue gun
- Ruler

Create a Pattern
Step 1: Grab your pencil and ruler to sketch out a simple pattern. Since the front and back of the snowflake child's body need to match, you can simplify things by folding your felt sheet in half and mirroring the pattern from the crease. Trace your pattern onto a folded piece of felt and use sharp scissors to cut along the sides and bottom. Do not cut across the top fold.

Design your Snowflake
Step 2: Lightly trace your design on the back side of your felt body. The design can be as simple or as intricate as your skill level allows. These snowflakes were simple to replicate by following the outline.
Step 3: Insert your needle from the back, move to the end of the line you want to create, and push your needle through from the front. Repeat these steps until your design is complete. Tie off your string and trim. This is what the back of our piece looked like afterwards. If this step seems too daunting, or you're working with a younger crafter, you can cut out a small design from your felt scraps and glue them to your dolls.

Create a Body
Step 4: Now that your Waldorf Snowflake Children have clothes to wear it's time to create their bodies. A pipe cleaner is perfect because it's light weight and gives the dolls a bit of flexibility. Fold your pipe cleaner in half, then create arms by folding each side. Make sure the arms are long enough to slightly stick out of the felt.Twist the pipe cleaner together in the center and use the remaining length to create legs. Trim as needed, leaving a small piece sticking out at the bottom of each leg.

Sew and Stuff
Step 5: Use a simple blanket stitch to close one side of the felt. From this point you can begin stuffing the body with the wool roving or a cotton ball that's been teased apart. Push the filling into the arms and legs with your tapestry needle as you finish joining the felt between the legs and second side with your blanket stitch.

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