Ice potions are a fun and whimsical way to stay cool in the summer heat. Add a bit of sparkle and fizz to make these fairy ice potions a truly magical experience.

Here's What You Need:
- Ice cube tray- We used a spherical tray to make ice balls, but any tray will work.
- Flower petals (dried or fresh) or gathered bits of nature
- Washable liquid color
- Optional: biodegradable glitter
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Water
- A bowl and utensils to mix the potions together

Assemble the Potion Bombs
In your ice tray, sprinkle in a few flower petals, leaves, or whatever natural elements you gathered. You can mix and match ingredients to create unique fairy potion bombs. Make a portion with water and the other half using vinegar.

If you add a few drops of color make sure to use something washable, like liquid watercolors or liquid dye that's used to make bath bombs and soaps. Making a baking soda paste and packing it into the ice cray will create fun reactions with your vinegar ice bombs. Freeze your ice trays until solid.

It's Time to Play!
When your fairy ice bombs are completely frozen you can set up an invitation to explore! Fill a few small bowls with your ice, baking soda, and any other mix-ins. Add a large bowl to hold your potion and a pitcher with water, or vinegar for extra fizz.

Utensils like tongs, pipettes and spoons will add great fine motor practice. Let your children scoop, pour, stir and mix as the ice melts and releases flowers and glitter into their bubbling concoction!

When all of the fun has been had, strain all of the natural materials out and pour the liquid down the drain. Vinegar can harm your grass so don't pour it out in the yard. Dispose of the natural elements or add them to your compost pile.

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