In Waldorf education’s artistic curriculum, handwork is essential. Handwork includes painting, knitting, weaving and many more practical and creative skills. Children will learn the in’s and out’s of weaving throughout their years at a Waldorf school, but weaving at home is just as fun and simple.
Today we’re creating a DIY woven bag and exploring the different looms available at Bella Luna Toys.
Weaving Your Textile
For this project we are using our Easy Weaver Loom, which comes pre-threaded with 100% wool rainbow yarn, but you can use any loom and yarn to weave your textile. You'll also need:
- Tapestry needle
- Buttons
- Scissors
The Easy Weaver Loom is what's called a rigid heddle table loom. To create your textile you move the heddle up and down, which separates the yarn and creates a space called the shed. Slide the wooden shuttle, wrapped with your yarn, through this space. Pull the heddle forward to tighten your weave and repositon it, alternating between the top and bottom positions.
Create Your Own Bag
Once you've woven a large enough textile, at least 10 inches long, you can cut your work off the loom. Leave at least 1 inch of yarn on the ends. Use the tapestry needle to weave these loose ends, as well as any stray pieces on the sides, into your work to finish off the edges.

Experiment with how you want to fold your piece to create a bag. You can fold it in half for an open bag or leave a few inches to create a flap closure. Use the tapestry needle threaded with the yarn of your choice to blanket stitch along the sides of the bag. Tie the ends and weave them into the bag as you did in the previous steps.
Choose a button and sew it into the middle of the bag. Add a loop of yarn to the top flap, sewing it even with your button.
Use a chunky yarn to finger knit a long strap and attach on each side of your bag. Watch this Sunday with Sarah video to learn how to finger knit.
In addition to providing great fine motor practice, this project will fill children with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Their unique creations will make a lovely gift for a family member or friend and is perfect for taking along for nature walks to hold their found treasures.
Explore More Weaving Products
The Originial Lap Loom is a simple, fun and practical way to learn to weave. This loom is great for basic weaving and more advanced techniques. Recommended for kids ages 7 and up.
Photo by: Julie O'Rourke from Rudy Jude
The Potholder Loom Kit is a classic that has stood the test of time. The sturdy metal frame and illustrated instructions make this project perfect for children aged 5 and up.
Check out this tutorial for a begginer weaving tapestry.
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